How to Cut Costs and Boost Engagement with Micro-Influencers?

Influencer marketing has been a huge hit the past couple of years. But like all other marketing channels, influencer marketing is constantly evolving.

In 2017, you’re going to see a lot more focus on micro-influencers, according to predictions by Tap Influence. This shift in focus is mainly because marketers are starting to realize the importance of authenticity, which micro-influencers are known for.

How to Boost Engagement with Micro-Influencers

One of the leading benefits of working with micro-influencers is their ability to maintain authenticity. Although they have a smaller following than other influencers, their followers are people who are genuinely interested in what the influencer has to say. And micro-influencers tend to maintain an authentic voice, even when creating promotional content, which is crucial for building trust.

So working with micro-influencers can help you win the trust of your target audience. In fact, a study funded by Experticity found that micro-influencers’ recommendations can effectively influence the purchase decisions of at least 82% of consumers.

Micro-influencers are also known to have a more engaged audience. So they’re ideal if your goal is to drive more engagement for your brand. Markerly conducted a study which found that regular influencers have a lower engagement rate than micro-influencers. This is likely because most micro-influencers focus on a specific niche. And the people who follow them are typically interested in said niche, making them more likely to engage with the influencer’s content.

Image Courtesy: Shane Barker

Cut Costs with Micro-Influencers

Another major benefit of working with micro-influencers is their cost-effectiveness. Influencer marketing is already considered to be a highly cost-effective marketing channel.

But small businesses and startups with limited marketing budgets may not be able to afford regular influencers for their campaigns. That’s where micro-influencers come in.

While top bloggers may charge you in excess of $1000 for one sponsored post, a micro-influential blogger may only charge you between $175 and $500 per post. And a top Instagram influencer may charge somewhere around $1000-$3000 or more for one image. But micro-influential Instagram influencers only charge around $75-$500 for one image.

This proves that there’s a huge difference in the cost of working with micro-influencers and regular influencers. You could activate multiple micro-influencers for the cost of one regular influencer. So if you’re interested to drive engagement, and build trust at minimal cost, micro-influencers are your answer. To learn more information and tips about micro-influencers, check out the following gifographic.