Mistakes That You Make During Twitter Marketing

Did you know that Twitter has approximately 313 million monthly active users? How about the fact that Twitter supports more than 40 languages, with nearly 80 percent of accounts outside the United States?

With numbers like these, it’s easy to understand why a growing number of entrepreneurs and companies are turning their attention to Twitter marketing.

It doesn’t matter where you live or the industry in which you work, Twitter provides a unique opportunity to connect with your audience.

Unfortunately, there is a fine line between success and failure on Twitter. If you don’t take the right approach, you could continue to “spin your wheels,” never making any real progress.

With this in mind, here are five Twitter marketing mistakes you need to avoid at all costs:

1. Not Sharing Often Enough

You will never have success with Twitter marketing unless you commit yourself to a regular posting schedule.

Tweeting a couple of times per day, once tomorrow, and not again for a week is a schedule that is doomed for failure.

Not only should you stick with a regular schedule, but make sure you’re sharing enough content to keep your audience engaged.

There are studies that say three Tweets per day is optimal. There are also those who believe that more is always better.

There’s only one way to get to the bottom of this: experiment.

2. Getting Off Topic

If you Tweet about sports, stick to this subject matter. If you Tweets about business, do the same.

You want your followers to know what type of content you’re going to share. It’s okay to be “all over the place” when it comes to your personal Twitter account, but this is something to avoid when Tweeting for business. You must stay on topic.

3. Neglecting to Share Unique Content

Anyone can hit the “Retweet” button. While there is nothing wrong with doing this from time to time, there will come a point when you need to share unique content.

Search your favorite websites for stories that are worth sharing. Better yet, create your own content – such as blog posts – that you can push to your Twitter audience.

Unique content is more likely to attract eyeballs, engage others, and spark a conversation that could lead to a future partnership.

4. Forgetting the Conversation

Get this: some companies have no trouble keeping up with a torrid Twitter posting strategy. They Tweet hundreds of times per day, hoping that this has a positive impact on their business.

But guess what? They forget to actually converse with their audience. If you’re going to Tweet, leave yourself enough time to respond to those who show an interest in your content. This is how you build a relationship that could result in more business for your company.

5. Too Long

Just because you have 140 characters doesn’t mean you have to use each one. In fact, there are studies that show that shorter Tweets outperform longer ones.

Check out this passage from Fast Company, citing a study by Buddy Media:

“There’s no magical length for a Tweet, but a recent report by Buddy Media revealed that Tweets shorter than 100 characters get a 17% higher engagement rate.”

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different lengths. By tracking your engagement rate, you will soon have a clear idea of your “sweet spot.”

Also Read: How to Always Approach Social Media Marketing in 2017?


So, there you have it. When it comes to your Twitter marketing strategy, you never want to make these five mistakes.

In many cases, finding the best strategy means consulting with experienced professionals. Proven SEO can help you better understand how to approach social media and online marketing as a whole.

Have you struggled with these mistakes in the past? How did you overcome this challenge? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Feature Image: shutterstock.com
In-Post Image: dominiquej.com, shutterstock.com