5 Time-Saving & Productivity Breakthrough Marketing Tools To Use

marketing tools

Today is the best time to be a marketer.

After all, you are living in a day and age of automation.

Marketing tools exist to save you time and boost your productivity.

These 5 tools will do just that, and most of them are free.

If you are looking to save time and operating on a shoe-string budget, these tools are for you.

IFTTT(If This, Then That)

If This, Then That
IFTTT is a web-based app that works in a cause and effect sequence. “If” is the cause which makes the effect (“that”) happen. There are an infinite amount of channels on the IFTTT site. You connect these channels to trigger an effect.

I imagine anything you’d dream of to save you time as a marketer is possible with these IFTTT combinations. These connections are called “applets.”

This app is a social media marketer’s dream. IFTTT is ideal for anyone who conducts social media marketing since you save time marketing on social media sites. IFTTT automates that task for you.

You can use IFTTT for any task you want to save time performing. IFTTT can do much more besides putting your information on social media.

For example, you can check on your online reputation. Use IFTTT to mute your phone when at work. You can even use IFTTT to find your phone if you own Amazon’s Alexa.

AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

Marketers need their sites to load quickly. If yours doesn’t, you can lose sales for a multitude of reasons.

First, if your site doesn’t load, potential customers will hit the back arrow. This will tell Google your site was disappointing, so search engine users didn’t want to stay on your website.

Next, once Google gets the idea that users don’t want to be on your site, your SEO will suffer.

Both of these will lead to loss of income to you as a marketer.

Accelerated Mobile Pages are plugins that speed up the loading time of your site. Cost: Free**

Professional Email Signature NEWOLDSTAMP

Entrepreneurs need a professional email signature.

First, as a professional, you should have a signature that makes you look, well, professional!

NEWOLDWORLD is a service that will enable you to make a professional-looking email signature. You can choose from their templates or customize the look of your signature yourself.
Look: My professional email signature is eye-catching and memorable thanks to the colors I chose to match my website colors.

By using the NEWOLDSTAMP Email Generator, your business can grow through your use of email and not just on your website.

This is due to the interactive links. When people click my social share buttons, my brand grows. Notice my link to Amazon where I’m selling my product. Cost: Prices start at free and increases depending on your amount of social media sites.


When people visit your site, you should welcome them. However, you have a business to run and welcoming visitors to your site is time-consuming.

Why not get a chatbot to welcome website visitors for you?

Bottr is a free service that will enable you to train a chatbot to greet your visitors.

Don’t worry about the lack of a “personal greeting.” Today, website visitors are used to being greeted by bots, and in some surveys report, they even prefer it. Artificial Intelligence in the form of machine learning is common practice.

Would you like to meet my chatbot?
Although it takes time to train your bot to represent you, many training videos exist that you can access on the Bottr site or YouTube to help you if you need it.

Let your chatbot market for you and throw in a little friendly conversation besides.

You can embed your chatbot anywhere you’d like it to market for you. By embedding it in your email, for example, away from the “noise” of social media, you can increase sales.

Intellameet Video Conferencing Tool

You need a video conferencing tool. If people are going to entrust you with their money, they want to see what you look like.

The Intellameet video conferencing tool is more than just a way to have an online meeting.

While many people enjoy the ease of Skype or Zoom, Intellameet is a multi-purpose tool.

It is used for collaboration as well as video conferencing. For example, it records a written transcript of your conversations so you can easily review what you’ve discussed.

In addition, Intellameet comes with a whiteboard where you can use arrows to diagram what you’re explaining.

You can use this tool to organize meetings. Hear each other with high-definition sound.

Intellameet is user-friendly. There is nothing to download. Your conference attendees simply click a link to begin the meeting.

Actually, Intellameet interfaces with Google Docs. People already familiar with Google Docs will love this tool.

Read More:

2 Amazing Twitter Marketing Tools You Need to Use Today

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, tools exist today to save you time and boost your productivity. Many of these are free or low-cost tools. Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish.

Image Credits
Featured Image: Shutterstock
In-Post Images: thememo.com/, marccx.com/, youtube.com/

Author: Janice Wald

Janice Wald is an author, a freelance writer, a blogger, and a blogging coach. She blogs at MostlyBlogging.com where she shares tips for bloggers and marketers.