Many people today do not use Twitter regularly. They make think it’s passe. Some people signed up for a Twitter account and never logged back in. Others got confused on how to use Twitter and gave up. They could not comprehend how to use it or why. But if you turn on any ...

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Today is the best time to be a marketer. After all, you are living in a day and age of automation. Marketing tools exist to save you time and boost your productivity. These 5 tools will do just that, and most of them are free. If you are looking to save time and operating on ...

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So Twitter, what exactly are people and companies doing on it and is it still all the rage? So, first of all, let’s deal with what Twitter is: Twitter[1] (/’tw?t?r/) is an online news[2], and social networking [3]service where users post and interact with messages, ...

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